It is not easy learning to live in a different country. I am sharing my experiences and hope someone will find it useful whether living here in Greece or any other country.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


You ever go somewhere and think you just died and went to heaven?

That is the way I fell this weekend with dear friend.  We took weekend for two days and
got on large boat and visit Perrissa Black Beach Santorini.  It was long trip, but we see
people from all over the world, London, Australia, Japan, and others from so many different
On ship.

Anna going to apartment.

lands to come visit Greece islands.

Our next visit will be dear friend up North, I love to see one more time before I depart again
to my country.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Daily Walk

BP Here Too.
Anyone Care For A Lime?
My Favorite Coffee Shop
I walked a lot in the US, but is a little different here. I suppose if I was out in the wild it
wouldn't be bad with the wide open space. It is just a little different watching for cars and
motorbikes, sure don't want to day dream on a walk around town.
I am a little like a woman I guess, I do lots of window shopping, looking at the different
things here, that is not in the US. Most things are basically the same, only the names have
changed, that sounds like a quote in a television series years ago. ONLY THE NAMES
Love The Old In Windows and Doors
HAVE CHANGED TO PROTECT THE INNOCENT.  I believe it was a television dectitive
I Think She Is Checking Facebook.
Today on my walk I thought I would do a little Smile You Are on Candid Camera.

Got the Funny Little Cars Here Too.
I love old doors, the found a gold mind full of them here. I could spend the day just looking
at old doors on houses and building.

If you are a coffee lover, I believe there is a coffee shop on every corner.  I stop sometimes
She Gave a Little Smile
and have a cup and watch people walk by. Turn your head and you understand why.

Feeding the Birds   

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Everything Is First

Taking the bus, learning the metro, the train.  This is like starting all over just in a different
country. Walking in the streets, sounds a little funny to me at first, just keep a good look out
behind you, or you just might get run down.  Or walk on the sidewalk and hope you don't stub
your toe, mostly brick and uneven, but what isn't?

People everywhere, cars, motorcycles weaving in and out of traffic, at first it seems like a free-
for- all. I guess with so much traffic the police just let the traffic go at a flow, until a accident
happens, and you bet they'll be there.

First ride on the metro. I call it a subway, but either way, never been on one. All I can say is, it
moves out, better hang on, unless you're lucky and get a seat. It stops at stations along the way
they are written in Greek, but I hope to catch on someday.

First time seeing the sea. The Pacific ocean is all I have seen and took a few dips in. Took a few
dips in  Southeast Asia waters, but not on vacation there. Visited my first island one of thousands
they say.
One of many boats for visiting islands

First Sunset
My Tour Guide.

Beautiful Women In Greece

My Top Two Facebook Friends.

Welcome to my new blog

Starting my new life in Greece, many posts to follow as I explore this country God blessed
with beauty and heart warming adventures.