It is not easy learning to live in a different country. I am sharing my experiences and hope someone will find it useful whether living here in Greece or any other country.

Sunday, November 24, 2013


There is no Thanksgiving here, but I am still thankful for having a good life,
and making new friends here. You can give thanks without the traditional
dinner, turkey and dressing and stuffing. Be thankful you are alive and healthy.
If you are not healthy keep the faith and believe that good things will come to
you. If you do not stay positive things will go down hill and that is not good.
Remember the old saying, "ask and you shall receive"? Now don't go asking
more a million dollars, (probably won't happen).

Winter is here and the rain has started. Most places need rain, but sometimes
places get a little too much at one time. Some of the things I have learned is
to never walk into flooded places. You can step in a hole or drainage ditch
as it will suck you down into it. If you are driving drive to high ground and
wait for the rain to stop, or for the rain to clear the road. Never drive in high
water, the water will stop your engine and you will wash away in your
automobile. The best advice is to check the weather if you are going to travel.
Technology is far better and accurate than years ago.  It is better to change
your plans for a few days, than have a disaster that could be heart breaking
for the rest of your live.


1 comment:

Anna-GrouezaKolokathi said...

Here in Greece,we have to thank in many ways..Not only a special Thanksgiving Day...Trying to get better and be thankful for all those we`ve got till now..have patience with the bad times from weather disasters sometimes..Yes..You`re right.First check..then act..That should be the number one rule.But unfortunately,only a few do that..and the result is,that you already said..Bad hurted our beloved ones..!!
Very good post my friend.
Thank you.