It is not easy learning to live in a different country. I am sharing my experiences and hope someone will find it useful whether living here in Greece or any other country.

Sunday, September 22, 2013


Autumn is here and we had our first rain since about the last of April. The cool air
feels good after a hot summer.  It is nice to sleep at night without a fan or air
conditioner.  I know the land needs rain, but I sure don't like to get out in it and get
wet. I seem to get colds here more often than the states.  It is not as cold here in the
winter so I tend to not dress according to the weather conditions. People wear heavy
coats here and to me sometimes it doesn't feel cold enough for a coat. Maybe I'll
learn the difference since this is my second winter here.

If all goes well we plan to go to another island in a few weeks. It will probably
be our last for the year, because there is a lot of wind and the seas are rough
during the winter. Plus like I said there is a lot of rainy days in the winter.


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