It is not easy learning to live in a different country. I am sharing my experiences and hope someone will find it useful whether living here in Greece or any other country.

Monday, December 2, 2013


Give It  Try (Exercise That Is)
With the beginning  of winter, rain and not so nice of weather I thought it would be
a good idea to join a health club. Now I am not a big over weight person, but since
I have lived here I have neglected my exercise. True, I love to walk, which I do very
often, but the rain, water running down the street, catching a cold, etc. I thought it
best to at least give it a try.

First off I needed a written statement from my doctor, that my ticker was fine. I
am a senior, and you never know about your health sometimes. My blood test are
fine, so all I needed was a pair of good walking shoes.

I started with a trainer, which was good because he had the reasons I joined the club.
First I would like to lose a little around the mid section and a little body fat. He explained
all the exercises and showed me the one's that would help me with my goals.
So, it's off to the gym Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6. Maybe a Saturday after
I get my bones in shape.

Here is a good point. Invite a friend, family member, sweetheart or anyone to join you
it will help help establish your goals and give you support to push forward and not
give up.
